Writing Down Five Goals A Day!

I recently started listening to podcasts again! I haven’t always felt like I could focus long enough to listen to other people talk about random things. Ever since college, when I was reading close to 3 books a week, I haven’t felt the urge to read or listen. But lately I have found myself interested in listening to specific podcasts that pump you up, and often times talk about entrepreneurship and hustling. As a sole proprietor and business owner, its easy to get discouraged and lose yourself in it all, because you have to self motivate every single day!

So one of the podcasts I have tuned into lately is Real AF with Andy Frisella who is the founder and owner of 1st Phorm! He started and grew a multi-million dollar supplement company here in the United States, and has held the quality standards higher than what the FDA or regional companies would require!

One of the greatest takeaways I gathered from the Real AF podcast, was to write down 5 achievable goals every single day, and do it! Don’t write down 20, don’t shoot for the stars, simply write down 5 goals and achieve them! This will begin to set a standard in your life and mind of success and closure. When you shoot for the stars, but hit the moon, you still have that sense of not making it all the way. If you write down 20 goals but only do 5 of them, you feel defeated.

So for the last week I have written out 5 goals each day, achieved them, and more! For the first week, I set 2 standard goals that I wanted to do every day, plus 3 different new ones for every day.

  1. Go to the gym for 45 minutes every morning. No off days, no cheating.

  2. Make at least 4 sales a day.

  3. Finish my YouTube maker’s studio wall.

  4. Revamp and landscape my gardens at home.

  5. Shoot 1-3 unique product photos outdoors.

  6. Begin a more like-able and healthy eating routine.

  7. Reach out to 20 new companies about my services every single day.

These are just a few of the many goals I gave myself over the past week! There were several days when I only achieved 3-4 of my 5 goals, but I was ok with that, because I could see a marked improvement in my mindset and willingness to try new things, and go for what I wanted. All of this stemmed from starting to listen to podcasts again!

My challenge to you today, do things that challenge you! Write down 5 achievable goals every single day, and don’t get down on yourself if you don’t achieve every single one of them. The idea is that you start, go for it, and make small but impactful action steps! You’ve got this! And I want to hear more about the goals you achieve and where it takes you!

~Brendan Halbohm